Meals are served, and it all happens in a dining room where residents require assisted living menus that are nutritious, healthy and tasty.
Everyone wants to eat healthily, but at the same time, it will be delicious. Healthy food is especially vital in care facilities because there are people with health problems there so that food can be helpful to some extent.
Nowadays we have so much food choice that virtually every meal like lunch and dinner can be both healthy and also tasty.
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For the food in Assisted Living Menus to be healthy it should be balanced, and to be delicious, it should be prepared with a lot of attention and spices. However, do not overdo it with the consumption of meals, it is foods that will be eaten by adults. Assisted living menu planning
When it is time for assisted living menu planning the first you need to do is get an approved dietitian and connect him with your chef from the start. The assisted living menus that you are offering need to be nutritious, healthy but also tasty.
Most memory care and senior housing facilities use this same tactic because it is required by law to have an approved dietitian to oversee your menus.
Here is how to plan your menu:
1. Organize
For the work to have resulted in any activity must be entirely organized. The management team comes first. Management is the one who has the task of organizing employees, especially those who work in the kitchen, to work on a perfect course.
Once the staff is organized, the food menus are next to the organization. Make a monthly diet plan in your living facilities.
If you have spacious dining, employees should be organized in the service, and everyone should be on time to ensure that food is not cold when consumed.
The organization always comes from the kitchen. Therefore, carefully recruit staff, and when employing a cook, make sure he has experience with nursing home menus or assisted living food menus.
The cook should have experience in menu planning for retirement living or independent living. This will ease the organization in the kitchen, and the food will be cooked in time.
2. Consult with your dietitian
You should consult with your dietitian because the whole planning process of the menu must meet all of the health and regulatory needs.
Even though the food should be fresh and delicious, it must be checked and recommended by a dietitian.
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Dietitian and the chef must be in constant cooperation and communication, for the seniors to be the kind they deserve.
When you prepare Assisted living menus, keep in mind that the products you supply are always fresh and close to you. Do not make a list of foods that are not from your area, so when you need to prepare that food, there is nowhere to get it.
3. Assisted living menus.
To have good assisted living menus, the products that you use for preparing food should always be fresh. Have plenty of fruits and vegetables on the menu.
When preparing the menu, you should consider that adults will eat this food. Avoid processed foods, instead of dessert cakes, insert fruit pudding or fruit yogurt. In every meal whether it will be a lunch or dinner serve a fresh salad, seniors want healthy food.
Senior Living Meal Ideas
Here are some Senior living meal ideas that you can use to improve the quality of life to your elderly residents.
A one-week sample menu that includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It is meal time!
Senior living communities should enjoy in their dining experience. It is all one big family, and it can’t be happy without assisted living menus that are nutritious and tasty.